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Ice Substitute Poultice

Ice Substitute Poultice
Our price: $29.95
Ice Substitute Poultice

The Ice Substitute Poultice is a safe and effective topical herbal remedy specially formulated to reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation from sprains, strains, muscle pulls, contusions and closed fractures.

Ice Substitute Poultice contains natural Chinese herbs that reduce swelling and inflammation while dispersing accumulated blood and fluids to help restore normal circulation to the injured area. This poultice (balm) reduces the swelling and inflammation more effectively than ice, allowing you to more quickly regain range of motion in the injured area.

Ice is not recommended because it does not help repair damaged tissues and keeps everything in the injured area frozen, causing the stagnation of blood and fluids and the contraction of muscles, tendons and ligaments. These side effects slow healing and increase the chance of re-injury and the development of chronic pain. In Chinese sports medicine ice is not used and is considered a culprit in injuries that don’t heal well.

The Bruise Relief Liniment is also recommended to use with the Ice Substitute Poultice.

Benefits of Use:

  • Reduces swelling and inflammation more effectively than ice.
  • Helps to quickly restore normal circulation to the injured area.
  • Disperses the accumulation of blood and fluids.
  • Promotes faster injury recovery and range of motion.
  • Assists the healing of torn soft tissues, such as tendons, ligaments and muscles.
  • No known side effects.
  • Light herbal scent.

  • Directions:

    Apply a thick layer over the injured area. Cover with gauze or paper towel and wrap with rolled gauze or tape into place. Do not wrap tightly. Leave on for 6-24 hours (can sleep with it on), and then 6-24 hours off to allow the skin to breathe. Repeat applications for up to 5 days if necessary. The Bruise Relief Liniment can be used in-between applications.


    Ice Substitute Poultice contains the following laboratory-tested Chinese herbs in therapeutic dosage: Hong Hua (Safflower), Pu Gong Ying (Dandelion), Zhi Zi (Gardenia), Huang Bai (Phellodendron), Da Huang (Rhubarb), Huang Qin (Scutellaria Root); Pure Petroleum Jelly. 2 oz.

    How long until I see results?

    Results are felt within the first week of use, and in most cases within the first day or two.

    How are Battlefield Pain Relief products different from other pain relieving products on the market?

    In conventional medicine, many pain relieving products are aimed at just treating the symptoms, such as by providing an analgesic effect on the injured area to reduce the sensation of pain, thereby masking the pain. The Ice Substitute Poultice contains Chinese herbs that kill pain, but painkilling herbs are not mere analgesics that mask pain.

    Chinese herbs have been used for centuries and are known to have medicinal properties that treat the root cause of the pain because they contain natural energetic substances that subtly yet powerfully correct underlying deficiencies and remove obstructions in the injured area. The herbs used in our products specifically work to break up stasis, or stagnant blood and fluids, and increase circulation to the injured area.

    Stasis is what causes swelling, inflammation, hematoma, and the discoloration of bruises. Stasis can prevent your body from healing fully and slows down the healing process. The herbal properties work to eliminate this so the body can reabsorb the fluids and increase the flow of blood so that pain relief and healing can take place. The increased circulation aids in this process and brings vital oxygen and nutrients to the injured area so it can repair and heal.

    *As an herbal product, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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